Tuesday, June 12, 2012

world Famous Santa Cruz Cooler

Last year for MBB’s big 2-7 I took her to Santa Cruz for the weekend.  It was legit. And fun. And there was no better way to spend a weekend. 

While there, we developed this magical drink that Megan so rightfully dubbed “Santa Cruz Coolers”.  It's cold. It's re-freshing. It's summery. It's perfect!

view from the top:
world famous Santa Cruz Cooler
The Goods:
  • Ocean Spray White Cran-Peach juice (also, this is so good on its own, or with booze)
  • Ginger Ale (we used generic brand most recently)
  • last but certainly not least… the big bottle of Cook’s Sparkling Wine (you can but nicer wine ,maybe even Champaign, but cook’s always works pretty well with our tastes.  We’re just down home kind of folk. 


If I’m making these coolers, usually I’ll go a 2:1:1 ratio.  That is: two parts Cook’s to every one part White Cran-Peach juice and one part Ginger Ale. 


We used a cool pitcher to mix the refreshing cooler.  In order to maximize booze space, we don’t add ice until we pour it into glasses.  


Megan has some cool little rubber ice cube trays, they produce trendy square ice.  When making ice (which she does so well), she’ll usually add a raspberry or strawberry to the water.  It adds some fun color to the drink and once it melts a little, some great taste!

Ladies and gentlemen readers of EricDanger: I give you the world famous Santa Cruz Cooler.

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